This Thursday I’ll be sharing with you a song (on my YouTube Channel) I created some time ago (before the 🦅Eagle EP came out) when I was facing a writers block. It was a struggle I believe many artist can relate to.
And while having it, “the words of having no words” came out, and this song was created. Kinda ironic, isn’t it? 😀
I call it “Music is your friend”, because it truly is and songwriting is all I ever wanted to do. To be in touch with a good friend 💜

It’s a song that is completely different from what I usually write (new Mystical music with Reiki energy is in the process 🍀🦋) and never thought of recording it professionally, but still thought I should share it with you, because I believe many of us would love to hear more stories of how to heal and overcome our writer blocks and be inspired regularly.
I think, the best we can do is to simply face the struggle, have a little chat with it and then try to do some compromising. What do you think?
Be here on Thursday, 4th of July at 6pm CET (oh my, it’s Independence day in the US, right? American friends, how will you celebrate it? 😀 )
P.S.: I added lyrics in the video, thought it might be interesting to read the words beside it 🙂