Hello everyone! First I would like to wish you all a happy and joyful New Year 2020! May it be filled with peace and harmony. I believe once these two are in place, everything else comes along perfectly 🙂
The year has almost started and I can already mention something beautiful that happened just recently. I received an email from an editor of Mystic Rebel Magazine and shared with me the latest issue. It turns out that my mystical acoustic musical journey is featured there! Aaah what a joy! Grateful to editor Paul and for the sweet opportunity. Years ago these type of opportunities felt so impossible. But when having faith and believing in ourselves while doing our best, miracles do happen! 🙂
Mystic Rebel Magazine is filled with many wonderful stories, healing techniques, tarot card readings and other matters, associated with mysticism, shamanism and other esoteric journeys. If you’re interested in these sweet topics, I suggest you go get one copy for free! 😉
Get your free copy of the magazine on www.mysticrebelpromotions.com 😉
Wishing you a wonderful start of the year. Make it a good one and do go after your dreams, they are there for a reason! 🍀