So today’s New Year’s eve, and I wanted to write a few words.
Although there’s a lot of things to do, and my mind can’t focus that much, I’ll try and do my best to finish this year with few nice words.
I hope many of you can feel the same, and are grateful for the good things that happened this year, no matter in what sort of direction. Maybe it was something that was considering your health and got better, maybe a job promotion or finally got a dream job, maybe you solved some conflicts with people close to you or your relatives; maybe you found the love of your life, or any other thing that warmed your hearts and made you happy.
For a moment, let’s all quiet our minds and just remember the good things that happened this year. Don’t they make you smile? They sure make me smile.
For me personally this was one of the most productive years and a huge milestone in my life. I’m not going to count all the things that happened, but let’s just say, that my childhood dreams are finally coming into its existence. For this reason I want to share with you an old picture of me, when I was about 7 years old.
This picture always makes me laugh and reminds me, that I’m heading into the right direction. If I could talk to my 7-year-old self, she’d probably be very happy. I think everyone of you, who follow me now for a while, know, what I’m talking about.
Have a lot of big news coming up in the future year, and I’ll tell you all about it, but for today, I just want that everyone of us just relax and enjoy the last day of this year, and do the following:
- Thank year 2018 for everything good that has given you
- Hug your loved ones (or yourself) and let them know you love them and that they matter
- Drink some good vine
- Be happy and enjoy in the company of your loved ones, or in your own company, it doesn’t matter in which sort of a way, as long as you’re happy
That’s it for today, I hope you’re all going to have a wonderful New Year, filled with joy, health, and dreams for the upcoming year.
Happy New Year!